It has been a while since I last posted but the past week was quite busy! Last week started out quite normal but then Monday afternoon I was tasked with shopping for, organizing and cooking 'Thanksgiving dinner' for about 65 people (to include the YouthBuild programs from Schenectady and Troy as well as their staff members and volunteers) to take place Wednesday afternoon.
For the dinner I made a super easy and very delicious corn casserole!
2 eggs
1 stick of butter or margarine
1 box of jiffy yellow corn muffin mix
8 oz of sour cream
1 can of corn
1 can of creamed corn
Mix together, pour into a greased 8x8 pan and bake at 350 degrees for about 1 hour or until golden brown and baked all the way through.
So how do you feed 65 people you may ask? Well thanks to my amazing couponing skills and turkeys and dishes that were brought by my fellow staff members we were able to have Thanksgiving for only $84 with lots of leftovers, which were donated to the students and the YWCA of Schenectady.
My good friend Elise, who also used to work for the YouthBuild program offered to come help me cook and it made everything run much more smoothly. We cooked for a pretty long time but the end result was amazing; we had so much good food, nearly each of the students were able to take home a pie and various leftovers for their Thanksgiving dinner the next day and everyone had the opportunity to reflect on the year and give thanks for the programs at NPCS.
After the meal I was way to tired to drive to Pennsylvania that night so I decided to come home and head out the next morning. I got up around 5 AM and started the trip to Pennsylvania to meet my family for Thanksgiving; the trip felt unusually long but I arrived around mid-morning. Waiting for me when I got to my uncle's house was an entire cooler of homemade beer - so excited!
Thanksgiving dinner was delicious and after too much food, beer and an early morning drive I passed out on the futon. Oddly enough I was knocked out enough to allow my uncle and mother to place newspapers and liquor bottles around me and take pictures.
But at the end of the day we were left with a very pretty sunset!