January 21, 2012


 Pretty soon there will be some major changes in my life!  I'm excited and know that it is for the best but change is always hard (at least for me).  I have decided to leave my job at Northeast Parent & Child Society in order to take a position with the Albany Damien Center.  The position I've accepted is the Housing and Employment Coordinator for the Albany Damien Center!  There will be some major changes as I transition; I will be going from an organization of approximately 600 to an organization of about 10, the Center is located in Albany instead of Schenectady and while there will be some similarities in the clientele there is one major difference - all of the clients receiving services from the ADC are PLWA/H.  This is definitely a career move for me; I will be heading up a brand new national model grant (only 7 organizations in the country received this grant), I will be representing the ADC throughout the Capital Region as well as on the state level and the goal of the grant is that I become the point employment and benefits specialist for all agencies in the Capital Region serving PLWA/H.  I am very excited about the opportunity but I am also VERY sad to leave NPCS.  NPCS has been my home for nearly the past two years and over the years my supervisor has really taken the time to development my career development skills; I almost feel guilty for leaving but I know it is for the best.  I gave my two weeks notice to NPCS this past Friday and in my last two days with the agency I will make sure a speed interviewing event runs smoothly and I will graduate the last three cycles of students.  It will be a good albeit sad conclusion.

In other news - I have been sick for about the past two weeks.  At first I thought it was due to the stress of trying to decide whether or not to accept the job with the ADC but then it never went away.  Yesterday it got even worse and I ended the day at Urgent Care where I received a couple of prescriptions and was ordered to rest this weekend.  I definitely have a new appreciation for Redbox as I have watched 'The Debt', 'The Help' and 'Moneyball'.

I have also decided to try and take up cross country skiing or snow shoeing - I will report later on how either of these workout out! 

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