October 15, 2011

Odds & Ends

Since fall is pretty much here and I will be gone the next couple of weekends I took a good portion of the day to clean out my closet, kitchen and pack a bin to give to Good Will.  

I always love going to the Albany Good Will and browsing to see if I can find anything.  I wasn't looking for anything in particular but I did manage to find two things for a grand total of $3!  I had been 'looking' for a jar to use for my dried beans and I found one!  I also found a cute small plate.

Good Will finds
So after the Good Will and an intense workout I headed to the grocery store where I ran across this...

Strategically placed next to the beer - I thought it was both funny and interesting, and I wonder if it actually works!

I then headed home, made two vegetable lasagnas to be frozen for later consumption, made tonight's dinner, cleaned my bathroom and please explain to me how this happens...

So needless to say, there may need to be some reconstruction done to my bathroom in the near future!

Happy Saturday! 

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