May 8, 2013


Last week I wrapped up approximately three months of work travel!  It seemed that a week didn't go by without some sort of trip, but now I am back in town for nearly the entire month of May (with the exception of a trip to Virginia to see my BFF Dana graduate - but that is non-work related)!  It may feel strange being back in he office so much but I am ready for some consistent time at home!  It'll be great to cook a bunch of dinners and catch up with friends who have been neglected over the past three months.
A couple of things have happened as of late - first off, my best friend Dana got engaged!  The engagement was not necessary a 'surprise' since she and Charlie have been dating since college, but I am still super excited for her and her impending (or not so impending - it probably won't be until 2015) nuptials!

Here is her ring!  Super pretty and very 'Dana

Speaking of weddings - two weekends ago Adam and I headed to Williamsport, Pennsylvania to attend my cousin Rebecca's wedding.  She is the first of the thirteen grandchildren to get married and everyone in the family (with the exception of my two sisters) were in attendance.  This event was also somewhat of a big deal (for me at least) because it was the first time that Adam was meeting my father and the entire side of my mother's family.  I am sure the weekend was somewhat stressful for him, but he did great! 
Wedding program!
Saying the 'I Do's'
Very rarely are they all together - my mother (dark blue dress), her four siblings and my grandparents!
 At the church, after the ceremony.
Cutting the cake!
Pre-icing in face.

The hotel we stayed in while in Williamsport was located right next to the Susquehanna River and had a great walking/bike path that ran right alongside!  The weekend we were there was one of the first nice weekends so we took advantage of the weather and the path and went for a nice long walk.

Susquehanna River

Looking down the Susquehanna! 

Two weeks ago (a little late I know) was also my 6 month 'anniversary' at PRA.  I cannot believe that it has been six months already - that went by really fast!  I had my sixth month review and it went really well (no more reviews until the one year mark - thank goodness, those things are stressful)!

Last Thursday Adam and I also attended Taste of Albany which is a great event that benefits Albany's Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless.  Imagine if you will all your favorite restaurants in one place, all serving their top dishes - now on top of that imagine being able to consume as much beer/wine/liquor as you like and at the end of the night get to hit up a dessert bar filled with desserts from some of the best places in Albany - THAT was Taste of Albany.  The event was awesome and absolutely delicious.  And because my company does a lot of volunteer work at Interfaith we were able to get free tickets, woo-hoo!

Lots of planning is also taking place - both work and otherwise!  I am planning to do a lot of SOAR work in New York state this summer as well as planning for some forums in South Dakota and Arkansas.  Non-work wise we are hoping to plan a couple of weekend/mid-week trips this summer - Boston, New Hampshire, possibly Cape Code and of course Washington D.C.  We are also planning on taking lots of hikes this summer and attending a lot of concerts - so bring on the nice weather!

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