May 17, 2013

Race #1 - CDPHP Workforce Team Challenge

Last night at the CDPHP Workforce Team Challenge (3.5 Miler) I kicked off the first of three races in three weeks.  And as much as I would like to say that I kicked butt and did awesome - the race didn't exactly go as well as I had planned.  My time was definitely a lot slower than I wanted it to be but it wasn't all bad! 
Some background on this race - every year the major health insurance company - CDPHP - puts on the Workforce Team Challenge; you must register as a company and run in teams of 4.  Teams also typically make team shirts and overall it is a really fun event.  This year over 9,000 people participated!  That is a HUGE number and A LOT of people to fit in under the Rockefeller Plaza for the start of the race.  I was right in the thick of it and being crammed up against 9,000 other runners did not allow for much picture taking - however I was able to lift a few from 'Google Image' to give you some idea of the race.

Getting ready to start the race!  Under the 'bridge' between the NYS museum and Rockefeller Plaza.

Tons of runners heading up Madison Avenue toward the course.

So now on to the not so great news - as I mentioned my time was a lot slower than I had hoped, but then again you can only go SO fast when for the first 1/2 - 3/4 of a mile you are elbow to elbow with tons of people and trying not to fall flat on your face.  Anyway - according to my chip my overall time was 41:52 (11:58 mile) and according to the 'MapMyRun' app my time was 41:20.  The goal I set for myself was to finish between 38 and 40 minutes, so when I crossed the finish line and saw over 41 minutes I was pretty disappointed.  However, some good did come of this race - I pretty much ran the entire race, the only time I walked was at the water stations (2) because let's be honest drinking water, running and trying to breath all at the same time simply does not work well for me.  I also now have a good goal - I know I can run the distance no problem so now I need to work on my speed!
My next race is in a week - Survive the Farm 5K and Obstacle Course - that race I won't necessarily be going for time since there will be obstacles involved so between now and Friehofers (June 1st) I hope to up my fitness and be able to run a decent 5K time.
My t-shirt and race bib!
'Why YOU wished you worked at PRA'

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